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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Top Ten Guilty Pleasures...

 A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes.

1.  Keeping up with the Kardashians and 90210 (the new one)....Not sure which one is worse but I love them equally as much!  Why do you ask?  Oddly enough, I can relate to the Kardashian sisters,  mainly their goofy, weird side.  AND 90210 is such a train wreck, I LOVE IT.

2.  Target..  I LOVE everything about Target..I've heard it called the $100 store.. this is SOO true, for me at least:)  I never leave Target spending anything less.  We even have a Starbucks in ours....which leads me to my next guilty pleasure.

3.  Thats right, STARBUCKS...How did you guess?  I'm a big ole' sucker for ALL the seasonal flavors  and if not then the Cinnamon dolce latte, Caramel Macchiato and in the summer Caramel Frappuccino:)...The hub's nana in ATL always sends us gift cards and WE love it, THANKS:)
4.  French Fries, BUT more specifically MCDONALDS fries:)  Seriously, I think they must put crack in them... mmmm, I love to dip them in honey mustard or sweet-n-sour sauce...My love for McDonalds french fries started out young and has stayed w/ me well into adulthood:)  The hubby always makes fun of me b/c I always make him get his own fries:)
  5.  Rap Music...I've always liked rap music since I was real young I mean REAL young, like under 7...My sister used to listen to SWV (Sisters With Voices)  I always thought I would grow out of it but I haven't....I don't listen to anything explicit (not usually anyways, muahahaha) and its almost always when I'm alone in the car and usually never on around the kids b/c honestly I never know what they're saying half the time;)
6.  Eating Out...We love to eat out...its easy, you don't have to cook, or clean up the mess.....Too bad its oh so expensive.
7.  Nap Time...The boys usually take their afternoon nap together which gives me time to do WHATEVER I want!! AND almost always I want to sit on the couch and do absolutely NOTHING:)  and Honestly, with Parker turning 4 soon I am getting so nervous naps are coming to an end:(  that will be a sad sad day.
8.  Twilight and Harry Potter...ok ok..So, I know I'm not a teeny bopper...whatever, I LOVE both of these series the books and movies:)
 9.  Teen mom...I LOVE and HATE this show at the same time.  Most of these girls had terrible home lives and most have terrible support systems with virtually zero guidance.  The hubs hates this show and won't even be in the same room with me when I watch it...he says he can't take the dysfunction.  I don't blame him it is dysfunctional but its reality....750,000 teens get pregnant annually in the US alone!  What a vicious cycle.. When I'm watching the show I always think to myself, "I would be a great mentor to these girls" hmmm, maybe someday.
10.  Reading other momma's blog sites.  I love to discover new blogs even if someone I don't know:)  I think it all started because I had my first babe at 23 and MOST of my peer group was not even on the same page as me ..Sooo, I didn't have tons of mommy friends so I sought guidance from other mommas thru their blog site:)

I hope you enjoyed my top ten guilty pleasures!! Do you have any guilty pleasures, if so, please share!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things I NEVER thought I would do....

Before having kiddos I had a prenotion (yes, this is a it) as to what I THOUGHT I would NEVER do...You know, things either your momma did or things you saw other mothers do... and thought to yourself, NO WAY would I ever do that when I have kids.. bahaha, oh man...

1.  Drive a mini-van.  That's right a little over a year ago the hubs and I traded in my little sedan for a momma-mobile.... AND I LOVE IT...Honest, I do...I always thought I would be an SUV mom...but when push came to shove, NOTHING out-beat the Odyssey:)

2.  Smell my child's diaper in PUBLIC to make sure they haven't pooed....YEP, still pull this move ALL the time..I do it smoothly but I'm pretty sure everyone in eyes view knows exactly what I'm doing...WHATEVER, get over it :)

3.  Oh baby drops the paci on the ground and your in a crunch to get your kiddo to stop screaming...What do you do?? WELL of course, you pop the paci in your own mouth to clean it...AS IF THIS MAKES IT ANY BETTER? whatever, it feels like I'm somehow cleaning it.

4.  Ahh man, my mom did this ALL the time...USE your OWN spit to clean your child's face...eww, gross....It wasn't until recently I pulled out this trick....I have to admit my oldest was pretty grossed out by the whole thing:)  It sure got the job done tho.

5.  On a more serious note, spanking... NEVER ever thought I would be a momma that spanked.  But, quite honestly, in my personal opinion there are times when it's appropriate and effective.

6.  Let my kids play in a McDonald's Play Place...Yep, we occasionally hop on the bandwagon and play in the play scape...the kids LOVE it.

7.  I never thought I would be a stay-at-home-mom...I always thought that IF I did have kiddos I wanted a career and I'd put my kids in daycare...BUT after the birth of our first little guy, I tried...I did, we looked around at daycare but in the end we made the decision that I would stay home.. BEST IDEA EVER:)

8.  I never thought I would talk about poo as much as I have since having kiddos. SERIOUSLY??? what color?  how did it look? how much? You get the point..

9.  LOSE as much sleep as I have...Since having kids, I have become a much much lighter sleeper..NOT sure why?? I guess I feel the constant need to be "ready" all the time..

10.  Last but not least... eat my child's mangled, slobbered on, and chewed up food:)  YEP, sometimes I don't even think about doing this one...BUT, when your 15 month old wants to generously share his chewed up, gagged on piece of apple...I guess you take it:)
