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Monday, January 31, 2011

A morning in the life of ME.

My day usually starts around 6:30 am when Parker scurries in our bedroom with his flashlight and scares the bejeebers out of me by shining it in my face.  "Momma, I wake."  "Momma, I wake"  repeat that at least 5 more times.  "I soo hungry"  Momma, I soo hungry" again repeat that 5 more times.  "Can I watch my too toons?" and repeat.... ALOT.  you get the idea?  I then stumble out of bed, throw on my robe, grab Parker a sippy of milk, a nutra-grain bar (he could live off these btw), and I turn on some cartoons.   I then deliriously fall back in bed, and fall into a slumber only to have Scotties alarm clock go off a minute later (you'd think by now, I would just stay awake).  He hits it 3-4 times before getting out of bed.  I then hear Payton yelling (and yes, yelling not crying) in his room.  I stumble into his nursery to a happy, smiley baby that absolutely melts my heart EVERY time.  Great start to my day:)  I change him and plop him next to Scottie in our bed, and of course Payton works his magic on his daddy grinning from ear to ear.....I go to the kitchen make little peanut a bottle and remember our automatic coffee maker has already made the morning coffee, SWEET (btw thanks for that mom).  I feed Payton his bottle that he sucks down in 2 minutes and lay him under his gym.  I go to the kitchen and make Scottie's lunch for the day and pour our coffee....ahhhh, at last, I turn on the "Today Show"and give my hubby a goodbye kiss (now its just the monsters and myself) I usually get about 5-10 minutes of quiet time to watch the Today Show and sip my morning coffee.. Now its breakfast time, I make Payton's oatmeal and right when I'm getting ready to feed Payton, Parker wonders into the kitchen, "Momma, I AM soooooo hungry"......we usually debate about what he's going to eat and settle for some dry cereal in a bowl.  He'll sit at the table and curiously watch me feed his little brother while Payton stares at his big brother and is totally distracted from eating, making the biggest mess...  Next, I clean up the kitchen and the boys....get them dressed for the day (all while I stay in my robe), I then have some downtime, blog, check facebook and my email.  Payton takes his nap around 9....sleeps for 1-2hrs..I usually snuggle Parker during Payton's nap time we color, read books, and I pretend to be a 3 year old so Parker can have a playmate....  I love my mornings with my little guys and treasure every single moment.  

excuse the way I look in this picture but its me in my most natural form, hah....9 times out of 10 this is what I look like at home w/ my little boys.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Winter.....

I am over winter.  Is anyone else? I so look forward to those warm, sunshine days, fresh mowed grass, not a cloud in the sky, flowers, green trees, popsicles, pools, barbecuing, playing at the park with my kiddo's, long walks around the neighborhood, and bike rides.  I can't wait to say goodbye to slushy snow, colds, viruses, cabin fever, dreary days, frigid cold ::sigh::..... my list can go on and on.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy the change of season but must it be so long?  Oh Indiana.  Can you tell I am not a winter girl? I don't enjoy the snow....but despite my dislike, Scottie and I mustered up some energy, bundled ourselves, and headed for our sledding hill in the neighborhood.  It was fun watching Parker enjoy his first time sledding, he had a bawl!  laughing the entire way down the hill.  Payton enjoyed watching everyone from the comfort of his infant car seat.  Scottie and I tried to steal the sled from Parker and fly down the hill but it was quite hard prying it from his arms....I guess next time we'll need two are a couple pictures from our afternoon adventure, enjoy.. 

Little Payton laying in the snow...
His face describes it all.... 

I will always make the best of whatever season I am in even if it requires me to get my butt outside in the snowy and cold weather...But I look forward to spring, 7 more weeks people!  GET READY...


Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am a wife to a dedicated, hardworking, and loving hubby and mommy of two beautiful little boys.  Parker who will soon be 3 and Payton 5 months.  I stay at home with my little guys and we spend our days, playing, napping, eating, reading, creating objects out of play-doh, coloring pictures, painting, watching cartoons, getting out all the toys out, picking up all the toys, learning our ABC's, and our numbers.  I am facebook addict and spend entirely too much time researching topics about our boys, eating, sleeping, health, and schedule habits....SERIOUSLY, I think I need help;).........I am starting to take a giant interest into photography and recently my awesome hubby bought me a gift certificate to a local photo coach so I can start understanding the mechanics of a camera but first I need a DSLR, so I've been trying to figure out which camera would best suit my lifestyle.  I'm not trying to start a business I just want a hobby that I can call my own.  I have all these fantastic ideas and a burning desire to photograph every cute little baby I see:)  So, thats me so far......stay tuned for more juice;)

Playing airplane....Parker would do this 100 times or more before growing tired of it, haha its a great workout for mama.

This is Payton at least 4 times a day (and no, I'm not exaggerating) he'll stay like this for 30 min before I pick him up and move him to his crib.  crazy kid.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My sweet baby Payton

I'm new to this blog thing, I must say I find myself pretty technologically savvy but this blog site is HARD to navigate.  I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time but every time I start to play around with the site I become confused.  Anyways, hopefully I'll slowly start to understand what I'm doing...Enjoy this picture of my sweet baby Payton :)
