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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Clueless Couponing...

I am so intrigued by people and their couponing skills.....Love my mom and dad but neither household were couponers at least not while I was around.  I never grew up watching anyone clip coupons.  But ever since I've been running my own household for the last few years I've started seeing our grocery bill grow and grow.  We have a large budget for groceries in our house but I've started to realize I could do a much better job at cutting our grocery bill down significantly by just watching sales, stocking up, clipping, and printing various coupons...I got a little organizer and made tabs for various stores and items.  I know it seems crazy but I actually enjoy doing this, I love shopping and I love a good deal...So, tonight I put my very new NEW couponing skills to use.....(You people who coupon don't make fun of me, I'm new at this) but to me this is an awesome deal! Tonight's Target Trip:

4 boxes of pasta:  2.28 (1.00 off)
Wanchai orange chicken: 4.99 (1.50 off)
Maxwell Coffee 270 cups:  $6.79 (1.00 off)
Lunch Bags: 1.89
Degree deodorant:  .97 (1.00 off)
Green Works (4 items): 6.47 (1.00 off & 1 free item: worth 2.50)
Redcard Savings:  -1.19
Free $10 gift card for transferring a prescription:  -$10

Total out of pocket:  $12.82:)   



Danielle said...

I am into couponing, and I follow the site I've gotten our grocery and household misc, down to 180 a month now! Good luck!

Cute Beams said...

You need to call you college roomie... she is a coupon queen! She took a class! I have learned a bunch about it if from her.