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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Because I know you ALL want to know......

Laundry day for a family of 4.......

It's been 9 days since I last did laundry, I have 5 hampers in my house and I wait until they are ALL full before I do laundry.  I'm not one of those individuals that does a load a day, I like to do it all at once and then I don't like to look at our laundry room until I notice the boys are starting to run out of underwear, hah....  So, What does 9 days of dirty laundry look like for a family of 4?

haha, this is 8 loads of laundry and this does not include bedding or Scottie's work clothes (he takes them to the dry-cleaners I don't think he trusts me, lol).  8 loads takes me an entire day and part of a morning to finish.  Good thing we are iced in right now.

little peanut playing on the mountain of clothes:)

This sign hangs in our laundry room just in case anyone forgets the rule.

I'm now finished with laundry and hopefully I can go another 9 days:)




Danielle said...

on laundry day I'm always wondering how someone so little can wear so many clothes! your boys are precious!

Alison Troyer Price said...

I definitely appreciate the honesty! Makes me feel better about my laundry piles!