Step 1: Look at what we have in the pantry/refrigerator to get some meal ideas.
Step 2: Look at the meal list from the week before, was there anything I didn't make? Usually, I will have one or two meals I didn't make.
Step 3: Look at our schedule for the week, if we have something going on in the evening I will try to plan a quick/easy meal for that night.
Step 4: Create a dinner for each night, and a lunch for two days (the weekend when Scottie's home)
*Parker is a picky eater, so I try to keep in mind at least some side dishes I know he'll eat. I got in a terrible habit of making a separate meal for Parker for dinner but started quickly realizing what a bad habit this was...So now we have a rule, you eat what we make for dinner or you don't eat. I know for some of you this might seem harsh but it's what works for us.
*I also plan one new meal I haven't made before:)
Step 5: Create a grocery list with EVERYTHING I'm going to need.
Step 6: Make my official menu, this hangs on our fridge:)
****Now I don't follow this to a T, I almost always change it up but at least I have idea's and I know I have exactly what I need to make whichever dinner I end up fixing:)
**I've also been trying to learn about "freezer meals" I actually just did my first freezer meal but we have yet to eat it...Lasagna, I've read this is a great meal to freeze, I'll let you know how it turns out:)
**I also read that you should never throw out leftover veggies you should stick them in a freezer bag and throw them in the freezer, apparently the leftover veggies are perfect for soups:) Just a little tip!
Have a great weekend!